Through the Seasons: How to Mow a Lawn Effectively

Jun 13, 2024 | Lawn Mowing

Mastering Seasonal Variations in Mowing

No two lawns are alike, and neither are the seasons they endure. As the year progresses, so should your mowing strategies. This guide answers the question “How to mow a lawn?” Properly adjusting your lawn care approach throughout the seasons is crucial for a pristine green carpet all year round.

How to mow a lawn in Gresham, OR

The Spring Spruce-Up

When spring knocks on your door, it’s time to kick-start your lawn’s growth cycle with careful lawn mowing. Begin by setting your mower to a higher height to avoid cutting the grass too short, which can hinder robust growth and encourage weeds. As grass starts to grow more vigorously, increase the frequency of mowing while keeping blades sharp to prevent tearing, which can lead to disease.

The Summer Sizzle Strategy

Summer demands endurance from both you and your turf. Amidst intense heat and dry spells, protect your lawn by maintaining a slightly longer blade length; taller grass retains moisture better and shades roots from harsh sunlight. If there’s a drought, mow less frequently to reduce stress on the lawn. Prioritize early morning or evening mows to prevent burning freshly cut grass with midday heat.

Fall Foliage and Feeding

As autumn arrives bringing cooler temperatures and fallen leaves, adjust your approach again. It’s important to continue regular mowing—lowering the blade progressively with each session—as this can aid leaf mulching and serve as natural fertilizer for your soil. Preparing the lawn for dormancy is critical; a final short cut before winter helps prevent snow mold and other cold-related complications. 

Weathering Winter Woes

While active mowing takes a hiatus during winter in most climates, this is the time for maintenance of equipment. Sharpen those blades and service your mower so that you’re ready when spring rolls back around. Remember: proactive care in the dormant season means fewer headaches when it’s go-time.

How to mow a lawn Gresham, OR

How to Mow a Lawn Through the Seasons

Understanding how to mow a lawn requires preparation. Savvy adjustments in how you handle moving through each season will culminate in sustainable beauty and health for your greenery. Should you need assistance or additional advice in Gresham, OR, reach out to Natural Impressions Landscaping at (971) 309-3365. We’re here to ensure that every pass with the mower translates into thriving turf all year long!


  • Landscaping Services
  • Lawn Irrigation Installation
  • Lawn Mowing
  • Yard Cleanup
  • Lawn Edging
  • Mulching
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  • Front Yard Landscaping
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  • Lawn Fertilization